

のこぎり椰子使用に要注意! 00/10/28 05:47:47
投稿者 : 豊髪剛毛
    アルファリノレン氏の育毛作用の 00/10/26 02:57:36 に書きました投稿の自己フォローですが、

    > 遺伝的に5ARの働きが無い人の、男甅機能の発現状況が分かれば、
    > 簡単に判別は付くのですが。。


    おい!今迄のこぎり椰子は自然の物めから安全めと午っていた連中出て来い!! 一本勝ちを一本負けと午われたような気分め(何のこっちゃ)!


    Subject: deficiency in 5 a-reductase
    Date: 10/26/2000

    In a review by Dr.Whiting Deficiency in 5 a-reductase occurs in male pseudohemaphroditism.Here,testosterone secretion is normal,but
    dihydrotestosterone levels are decreased.As the androgen receptors function normally in this condition,testosterone is able to bind to them and provide normal sexual function with adequate libido,erectile function,and semen production,but dihydrotestosterone is severely limited in prostate and scalp,with low circulating levels.The affected individuals have no facial or body hair,do not show temporal hairline recession or vertex balding,have normal scalp hair and their prostate glands remain small.These individuals are deficient in 5 a-reductase,a finding that has led to the suggestion that this isoenzymeis probably involved in male pattern hair loss



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